Digital Technologies

​At St Peter's School, Digital Technology is taught as a Specialist Subject Area across the P – 6 Years.  Each year level receives 40 minutes of weekly class instruction with the Digital Technology Specialist Teacher. 

The Digital Technology Curriculum covers the primary years via 3 learning phases, Prep – Year 2, Years 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6.  The curriculum is divided into the two strands:  Knowledge and Understanding and Processes and Production Skills.
In Prep – Year 2, students begin to learn about common digital systems and patterns that exist within data they collect.  By the end of Year 2 students will have had opportunities to create a range of digital solutions through guided play and integrated learning, such as using robotic toys to navigate a map or recording science data with software applications.

In Years 3 and 4 students explore digital systems in terms of their components and peripheral devices such as digital microscopes, cameras and interactive whiteboards.  By the end of Year 4, students will have had opportunities to create a range of digital solutions, such as interactive adventures that involve user choice, modelling simplified real world systems and simple guessing games.

​In Years 5 and 6, students develop an understanding of the role individual components of digital systems play in the processing and representation of data.  By the end of Year 6, students will have had opportunities to create a range of digital solutions, such as games or quizzes and interactive stories and animations.

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